Wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough
Wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough

wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough

These traditional Conservative supporters are now to be punished in order to pay for the fiscal incontinence of Rishi Sunak, who over-extended furlough and came up with gimmicky giveaways such as Money For Nothing And Your Chips For Free in order to further his own leadership ambitions. In so doing, he has struck another blow for Treasury orthodoxy, which hates self-employment, believes all money belongs to the state and it is just a question of them deciding how much of it we should be allowed to keep. The hike in corporation tax, which giant conglomerates can afford to employ legions of lawyers and accountants to help them avoid, will impact hardest on the tens of thousands of small and medium-sized businesses that form the backbone of the British economy.Īnd behind the headlines, hidden away in the small print, Hunt has also cancelled Truss’s plans to ease the unfair IR35 tax burden on the self-employed. In the name of restoring stability to the financial markets - which, let’s face it, are little more than a super-casino run by money-grubbing spivs in Savile Row suits - he has managed also to stamp on millions of his own party’s voters, already struggling to make ends meet. Hunt’s spectacular reverse ferret yesterday proved beyond a scintilla of doubt that he is already the willing prisoner of the institutionalised forces of defeatism. So we’ve ended up with a lame duck PM and the levers of power being pulled by a man who has twice failed in his attempts to become Tory leader. Not only is British democracy now dead in the water, but it has been drowned by the very Conservative Party elected to uphold it. Yet after Boris barnstormed his way to victory, on a ticket of getting Brexit done, it appeared that nightmare had been buried. When just shy of 14 million of us handed PM Boris Johnson an 80-seat majority, did anyone seriously suggest what we really wanted was Jeremy Hunt running the country?

Wallace and gromit in project zoo walkthrough